Planning Applications
Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. Town & Parish councils receive details of applications and are consulted on them. They can submit their views (taking into account parishioners' views), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to a parish to provide local insight and may not follow the parish's view. The public should send comments to both the Parish and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. The Town or Parish Clerk's contact details are at the top of the page. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.
Reduce 3 x Sycamores by 4 meters from height and 2 meters all round (1 - 3 on plan) 1 x Beech by 3.5 meters from height and 2 meters from over lawn, south side of tree (4 on plan) Yew tree at corner of front drive to be re shaped to old cuts 1.5 meters from height and 1 meter all round.(5 on plan) Oak tree (6 on plan) to raise over the road to 16 foot for lorry clearance to highways conformity and lowest branch back to 2 meters to make safe from breakage and address lower canopy shape.
2 Curzon Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4AA
T1 - Holly Take down to ground level and treat stump to prevent regrowth
12 - 14 Front Street Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4DP
TO BE CONFIRMED 1 (Birch) - Whole Tree Removal 2 (Birch) - Whole Tree Removal 3 (Birch) - Whole Tree Removal They lean towards the house. Advised that they need to be felled by a tree surgeon as 'supporting root structure is not strong enough to support the lean of the trees'.
230 Birstall Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4DG
Cut back one branch only from poplar to the line identified on the notification documents.
23 Church Hill Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4DN
Partial change of use of dwelling (C3) to yoga studio (E(d))
25 Church Hill,Birstall,Leicestershire,LE4 4DN
T1 - Tree of Heaven - Fell - due to damage to adjacent structures (see para 3.7 - tree survey report attached) - Tarmac driveway and footpath - Potential for further damage to neighbouring block paved driveway.
St James Vicarage 251 Birstall Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4DJ
T1 Sycamore -Laterally crown reduce the tree where it overextends across the roof by up to 3m, pruning back to suitable sublateral to give a natural flowing line. and then to prune any remaining secondaries below to provide clearance of 1-1.5m from the roof and gutters ensuring that the crown is rebalanced to give a pleasing aesthetic finish when viewed from this side of the fence. T2 - Ash Reduce canopy by up to 25% (approx. 1.5 to 2 metres). T3 - Birch Reduce canopy by up to 25% (approx. 1.5 to 2 metres). T4 - Ash Deadwood and crown lift by removal of two lowest limbs (approx. to 3.5m) All work in accordance with BS3998
35 Church Hill Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4DN
Discharge of Conditions 29 (site wide landscape and biodiversity management strategy) and 30 (Phase Green Infrastructure Biodiversity Management Plan) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2
Land North of Birstall Broadnook Birstall Leicestershire
Reserved matters in relation to Road 2 and 3 (highway adjacent residential parcel 1) (hybrid permission P/22/0333/2 relates)
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall
Variation of condition 40 (approved plans) of P/22/0333/2 to include alternative detailed layout, house types, landscaping and scale of parcel B2 and part A2 (increase from 102 units to 115) (P/16/1660/2 relates)
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Reserved Matters for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Road 3b, 3c, 3d and 4b (hybrid permission P/22/0333/2 relates)
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall
Discharge of Conditions 16ii (Site Access, internal infrastructure including spine road, pedestrian and cycle crossings, footpaths, cycleways, bridleways) 16vi (Green infrastructure including open space, play space, informal and/or formal sports and recreation facilities, allotments), 16vii (Integration of bat roosting and bird boxes), 16ix (External Lighting),16x (Public Transport Infrastructure), 16xi (Links to existing rights-of-way) and 16xii (timing and sequencing of development) of Planning Permision P/22/0333/2 in relation to Parcel 1.
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall
Discharge of Condition 24 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) of Planning Permission P/22/0333/2 in relation to Parcel 1.
Broadnook Land North of Birstall, Birstall Leicestershire
Discharge of Condition 25 (Surface Water Management) of Planning Permission P/22/0333/2 in relation to Parcel 1
Broadnook,Land North of Birstall,Leicestershire,Birstall,
Discharge of Condition 31 (Phased Construction Environmental Management Plan) of Planning Permission P/22/0333/2 in relation to Parcel 1.
Broadnook,Land North of Birstall,Birstall,Leicestershire,
Approval of access appearance landscaping layout and scale (reserved matters) of Road 5 (employment spine road) (P/16/1660/2, P/22/0333/2 and P/23/1555/2 relates)
Broadnook Land north of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Display of 12no. non-illuminated advertisement signs, 1no. projecting sign and 4no. flagpole signs (Advertisement Consent)
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall
Discharge of Condition 9 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development)
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Discharge of Condition 16 (Green infrastructure including open space, site access, footpaths, cycleways, external lighting, integration of bat roosting and bird boxes, and timing & sequencing of development) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development).
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Section 73 - Variation of Condition 50 (approved plans) of Planning Permission P/23/1555/2 (alternative design and layout of parcel P3) - Hybrid planning application comprising: Outline application (with all matters reserved on those areas not subject to the detailed proposals) for erection of 1,950 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), 15 hectares of employment land (Use Class B1(a), B1(c), B2 & B8) and sui generis use (car showroom), erection of a primary school (Use Class D1), a local centre comprising of shops, supermarket (Use Class A1), financial & professional services (Use Class A2), restaurants/cafes (Use Class A3), drinking establishments (Use Class A4), hot food takeaway (Use Class A5), business (use Class B1a), erection of an assisted living retirement village of up to 175 units & 70 bed care home (Use Class C2), non - residential institutions (Use Class D1) and assembly and leisure (Use Class D2), erection of a community resource centre providing a mix of uses, provision of 4 plots for travelling show people, green infrastructure, outdoor sport provision, public open space/parkland, allotments, arboretum, extended rights of way, and associated landscaping and infrastructure; and detailed planning application relating to the erection of 206 dwellings (Use Class C3), erection of two separate lodge/gate houses (Use Class C3), a countryside park with sports pitches, sports pavilion, structural landscaping, biodiversity parkland, details of drainage and internal access roads, and the provision of the primary access including the details of the signalised roundabout to the A6 Dual Carriageway, site access works and the provision of a two way local link to Loughborough Road, Rothley (P/24/0958/2, P/23/1555/2, P/23/1557/2, P/22/0333/2, P/16/1660/2 relates)
Broadnook,Land North of Birstall,Birstall,Leicestershire,,
Discharge of Condition 18 - Development Parcel works including (ii) site accesses, (vi) green infrastructure, (vii) bat roosting and bird boxes, (ix) external lighting, (x) public transport infrastructure, (xi) links to existing rights of way, (xii) timing and sequencing) of planning permission P/23/1555/2 (P/22/0333/2, P/16/1660/2 and P/23/0889/2 relates).
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Discharge of Conditions 5 (Details of roof integrated solar PV), 6 (Details of Lighting for shared drives above slab level), and 7 (Details of Permeable Hard Surfacing above slab level) of Planning Application ref: P/23/0889/2 (Reserved Matters application for 154 dwellings and associated infrastructure (P/23/1555/2, P/22/0333/2 and P/16/1660/2 relates))
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Discharge of Condition 24 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development).
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Discharge of Condition 27 (Drainage Plans for the Disposal of Foul Sewage) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development).
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Discharge of Condition 25 (Surface Water Management) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development).
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Reserved Matters Application (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for Community Resource Centre (Broadnook Hall)
Broadnook Land north of Birstall Leicestershire
Discharge of Conditions 9 (Construction Traffic Management Plan), 38 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 50 (Approved Plans) and 52 ( External surface treatments) of Planning Permission ref: P/23/1555/2 (Variation of condition 40 (approved plans) of P/22/0333/2 to include alternative detailed layout, house types, landscaping and scale of parcel B2 and part A2 (increase from 102 units to 115) (P/16/1660/2 relates))
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Discharge of Condition 40 (Arboricultural Method Statement) of Planning Application ref: P/23/1555/2 (Variation of condition 40 (approved plans) of P/22/0333/2 to include alternative detailed layout, house types, landscaping and scale of parcel B2 and part A2 (increase from 102 units to 115) (P/16/1660/2 relates))
Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire
Removal of deadwood only emasil sent to applicant 1.8.2022 telling him to proceed JW
40 Park Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3AU
Variation of conditions 3-7 (approved documents, amount of development, phasing, construction management & design guide 9 (carbon reduction) 11-14 (strategic drainage, suspended solids, oil/petrol separators, trapped gullies) 20-31 (protected species surveys, open space management, archaeology, education, health facility, community facilities, contamination soil quality, energy plant, noise survey), 34 (permitted development) and 35 (village centre units) of 20162453 for outline application with all matters reserved for mixed use development comprising dwellings (including sheltered and supported accommodation) ; employment use; retail; education facilities and associated uses including community & health facilities; energy centre, public open space and supporting highways and infrastructure (environmental statement) to alter land use allocations, increase employment land, update education strategy and update conditions
Ashton Green, Leicester Road, Beaumont Leys Lane, Thurcaston Road, Leicester
Removal of Conditions 8 (redundant footway crossing), 13 (new footway crossing) & 15 (comprehensive development) attached to planning permission 20060692 (nursing home and care home) to retain and utilise the existing highway access from Melton Road to serve the development and to remove the requirement to deliver the parts of the amenity garden on land beyond the red line within Charnwood Borough, to the north of the site.
510 Melton Road
Erection of building with 4 offices and ancillary parking (Retrospective Application)
Field Rear Of 744 And 746 Melton Road Thurmaston Leicestershire LE4 8BD
Construction of single and two storey extensions at front, side and rear; additional car parking at front and side; alterations to landscaping at factory; alterations (Use Class B2)
5 Bennion Road, Bradgate Bakery
Construction of single storey and double storey rear extension to house (Class C3)
424 Thurcaston Road
Change of use from HMO (5 People) to HMO (6 People) (Class C4), construction of first floor extension at rear; dormer extension at rear of building (Class C4)
347 Thurcaston Road
Notification of proposed single storey extension at rear of dwellinghouse of dimensions: 5 metres beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse; maximum height 4 metres; height of the eaves 2.7 metres (Class C3)
47 Oakland Avenue
Construction of single storey rear extension; alterations to house (Class C3)
41 Oakland Avenue
Change of use from ground floor betting shop and first floor offices (Sui Generis) to 3no. self-contained residential flats (Use Class C3). Erection of part two storey, part single storey rear extension, front and rear dormer windows, changes to fenestration with associated amenity space, refuse storage and cycle storage (Retrospective application)
798 Melton Road Thurmaston Leicestershire LE4 8BE
Proposed site compound associated with the wider construction of the Broodnook Garden Village. The compound would be used for the storage of materials, storage of plant and machinery and parking for contractor vehicles.
The Cottage Wanlip Hill Farm Loughborough Road Wanlip Leicestershire
Construction of building to provide three units for general industrial (Class B2), storage & distribution (Class B8) or offices, research & development and industrial processes falling with Class E(g); new access to 302 Melton Road from Uxbridge Road; 1.8m high fencing and gates to perimeter
6 Uxbridge Road, land adjacent
Construction of self-storage facility (Use Class B8) with car parking, landscaping and all other associated works
Melton Road, Land to the north of Sainsbury's
Non-material amendment to Condition 34 (plans) of planning permission 20220712 (new electricity substation, removal of parking bays, & replacement boundary fencing)
Meadows Way, land off
Approval of details reserved by Conditions 3 (verification of land remediation for plots 24-29 and 58-75), 20 (renewable heating systems for plots 26-29, 63-65 and 72-75), 22 (sound testing result for plot 30) & 23 (accessible and adaptable dwellings for plots 30-33) attached to planning permission 20220712
Meadows Way, land off
Installation & layout of two electric vehicle charging stations (Class E)
Mcdonalds Restaurant, 521 Abbey Lane
Approval of details reserved by condition 3 (Travel Plan) and 4 (Surfacing) attached to planning permission 20241004
Melton Road, Land North of Sainsburys
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
15 Lanesborough Road
Construction of single storey extension at side and rear of house and alterations to porch at front (Class C3)
101 Nicklaus Road
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
30 Lanesborough Road
Construction of single storey extensions to front and side; canopy to front of house (Class C3)
31 Faldo Close
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
47 Sandringham Avenue
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
14 Berridge Lane
Construction of first floor extension at rear of house (Class C3)
80 Woodbridge Road
Construction of two storey extension at side of house; single storey extension at rear of house (Class C3)
54 Cashmore View
Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to children's home (Use Class C2)
43 Saltcoates Avenue
Construction of single storey front; single storey side and rear extension; alterations to house (Class C3)
14 Wavertree Drive
Certificate of lawful existing use as house in multiple occupation (Class C4)
30 Kincraig Road
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
34 Woodbridge Road
Installation of external ventilation flue to side of Hindu Temple (Class F1)
Claremont Methodist Church, Claremont Street
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
14 Woodbridge Road
Construction of single storey extension at front of building; alterations (Class F1)
Shree Hanuman Temple, 299 Melton Road
Retrospective application for the construction of single storey extension at rear of house (Class C3); alterations
42 Trevino Drive
Demolition of garage; construction of single storey annexe building at rear of house (Class C3)
18 Kincaple Road
Part Retrospective application for installation of ventilation flue at rear of restaurant (Class E) (Amended plans 24/6/2024)
270A Loughborough Road
Construction of single storey extension at front; single storey extension at rear; dormer extension at rear of house (Class C3)
7 Cameron Avenue
Demolition of bungalow; construction of two storey block of 6 flats (4x studio; 2x 1-bed) (all Class C3); associated parking and landscaping
17 Hobson Road
Retrospective application for the installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
25 Belgrave Avenue
Installation of Canopy and Flue to Class E Restaurant and Cafe with alterations
255 Melton Road
Erection of buildings for use as a vehicle repair and MOT testing facility with vehicle storage roof deck, vehicle wash and valet facilities (Sui Generis) and associated works and car park
3 Rayns Way Watermead Business Park Syston Leicester LE7 1PF
Certificate of lawful proposed development for change of use from dwellinghouse (Class C3) to house in multiple occupation (Class C4); construction of single storey extension at rear
99 Beaumanor Road
Notification of proposed single storey extension at rear of dwellinghouse of dimensions: 6.0 metres beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse; maximum height 3.0 metres; height of the eaves 2.55 metres (Class C3)
99 Beaumanor Road
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
41 Lancashire Street
Erection of single storey extension to side, single storey extension to other side of house; change of use of garage to habitable room.
7 Roman Way Syston Leicestershire LE7 1GE
Construction of single storey extension at side and rear; conversion of rear outbuilding to habitable room; alterations to house (Class C3)
88 Trevino Drive
Construction of single storey front extension; alterations to house (Class C3)
17 Wetherby Road
Non-material amendment to planning permission 20231663 (the northern car park is proposed for reconfiguration)
4 Leycroft Road, Pepsico International Limited
Construction of two-storey extension to front; installation of replacement cladding of the research and development facility (Class E(g); detached single storey sub-station at side; alterations to front carpark and landscaping
4 Leycroft Road, Pepsico International Limited
Retrospective application for construction of timber canopy at rear of bar and restaurant (Class E)
Broadway Hotel 263-265 Abbey Lane
Installation of two rooflights at front; construction of single storey extension at rear; dormer extension at rear of house (Class C3); alterations
73 Beaumanor Road
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
36 Checketts Close
Outline planning application for construction of up to 79 dwellings with associated landscaping, open space, drainage infrastructure and associated works (All matters reserved except Access)
Land South of Barkby Lane Syston Leicestershire
Construction of one dwelling (1 x 2 beds) (Class C3); Construction of porch at front to existing dwelling; alterations to boundary treatment and landscaping
3 Shearer Close
Outline application for one dwelling with all matters reserved (Class C3)
67 Gleneagles Avenue
Details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to provide (Phase 3) collaborative research and business floorspace (formerly Class B1/D1, now Class E(g)/ F1(a)) associated hard and soft landscaping and car parking being matters reserved by outline permission 20182094 as amended by 20230168 (Amendments received)
92 Corporation Road,
Construction of single dwelling (1 x 2 bed) (Class C3)
13 Anchor Street
Certificate of lawful proposed development for construction of single storey rear extension at rear; alterations to house (Class C3)
5 Lapwing Close
Approval of details reserved by Condition 2 (materials) 4 (SUDs), 5 (drainage), 6 (land contamination) and 7 (Landfill gas protection) attached to planning permission 20230949
336A Harrison Road
Reserved Matters application pursuant to Outline Approval ref: P/20/2140/2, Erection of 70 dwellings and associated works including landscaping, drainage infrastructure & access to existing allotments (Reserved Matters of P/20/2140/2, including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale), Land South of Farmers Way/Brookfield Road, Rothley, Leicestershire.
Land to the South of Farmers Way/Brookfield Road Rothley Leicestershire
Construction of single storey extension at side of house (Class C3)
40 The Poppins
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
40 Windsor Avenue
Discharge of Planning Condition 10 (Landscape Management Plan) of Planning Application ref: P/20/2140/2 (Erection of new detached school building to rear of existing primary school including relocation of hard ball court, additional staff parking and extension to drop off car park with extended access (full application) and erection of up to 70 dwellings including landscaping, drainage infrastructure and access to existing allotments with all matters reserved except access (outline permission) Revised scheme P/20/0610/2 refers)
Rothley Church Of England Primary School 2 Burrow Drive Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7RZ
Construction of single storey extension at rear of shop (Class E); conversion of first & second floors from 3 bedroom dwelling to flat (1x2 Bed) (Class C3)
151 Melton Road
Installation of external wall insulation to dwellinghouses (Class C3) (Amended plans 30/10/24)
21 & 23 Moores Road
Construction of single storey extension and canopy at front; two storey and single storey extensions at side and rear of house (Class C3)
33 Roseway
T1 Yew (Taxus baccata) - Remove to ground level and grind stump. T2 Purple Plum (Prunus cerasifera) - Pollard to 12ft. . T3 Lilac (Syringa vulgaris), next to Plum - Coppice to around 1-2ft. T4 Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris) - Balance crown by reducing 3 overextended limbs.
White House 77 Rectory Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JR
Discharge of condition 16 (Site Wide Public Open Space Strategy) and 17 (Phase Specific Public Open Space Strategy) of P/13/2498/2 (Hybrid application: Outline permission for mixed use residential-led development, to be developed in phases, including: Preparatory works including demolition as necessary; Approximately 4,500 residential units (Class C3, including affordable homes); Class C2 (specialist) housing; Up to 13 hectares of employment land (Use Classes B1(a),(b),and (C), B2 and B8); Two local centres and one district centre (including uses A1- A5, B1, C1, D1, and D2 and including a food-store (up to 4,500m² gross) with associated car parking); Provision for school facilities including a reserve site for a secondary school, healthcare facilities; a reserve site for gypsies and travellers; open space including allotments; parks; natural and semi-natural green space; amenity green spaces; facilities for children and young people; outdoor sports provision including playing pitches and tennis courts; associated infrastructure including footpaths cycleways, a north-west link road between Barkby Lane and the A607 with bridge across the railway line; and associated engineering and landscaping works (including SUDs).Full permission for new southern link road and associated works.)
Thorpebury Land to the north east of Leicester
Discharge of condition 12 (Site Wide Framework Travel Plan) of P/13/2498/2 (Hybrid application: Outline permission for mixed use residential-led development, to be developed in phases, including: Preparatory works including demolition as necessary; Approximately 4,500 residential units (Class C3, including affordable homes); Class C2 (specialist) housing; Up to 13 hectares of employment land (Use Classes B1(a),(b),and (C), B2 and B8); Two local centres and one district centre (including uses A1- A5, B1, C1, D1, and D2 and including a food-store (up to 4,500m² gross) with associated car parking); Provision for school facilities including a reserve site for a secondary school, healthcare facilities; a reserve site for gypsies and travellers; open space including allotments; parks; natural and semi-natural green space; amenity green spaces; facilities for children and young people; outdoor sports provision including playing pitches and tennis courts; associated infrastructure including footpaths cycleways, a north-west link road between Barkby Lane and the A607 with bridge across the railway line; and associated engineering and landscaping works (including SUDs).Full permission for new southern link road and associated works.)
Land to the north east of Leicester
Discharge of condition 13 ( Residential Travel Plan (Phase 1)) P/13/2498/2 (Hybrid application: Outline permission for mixed use residential-led development, to be developed in phases, including: Preparatory works including demolition as necessary; Approximately 4,500 residential units (Class C3, including affordable homes); Class C2 (specialist) housing; Up to 13 hectares of employment land (Use Classes B1(a), (b), and (c), B2 and B8); Two local centres and one district centre (including uses A1-A5, B1, C1, D1, and D2 and including a food store (up to 4,500m2 gross) with associated car parking); Provision for school facilities including a reserve site for a secondary school, healthcare facilities; a reserve site for gypsies and travelers; open space including allotments; parks; natural and semi-natural green space; amenity green spaces; facilities for children and young people; outdoor sports provision including playing pitches and tennis courts; associated infrastructure including footpaths, cycleways, a north-west link road between Barkby Lane and the A607 with bridge across the railway line; and associated engineering and landscaping works (including SUDs). Full permission for new southern link road and associated works)
Land North East of Leicester
Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of P/22/0768/2 to include alternative detailed layout, house types and landscaping (P/19/1479/2 and P/13/2498/2 relates)
Thorpebury Land North East of Leicester Leicestershire
Retrospective application for change of use of part of ground floor and first floors from shop (Class E) to 3 flats (1 X 1 bed; 1 X 2bed and 1X studio) (Class C3).
1C Hill Rise
Outline Application for the development of up to 19no. dwellings with sustainable drainage, local area for play and associated landscaping (All matters reserved except access)
Land at the Former Rectory Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JA
Variation of condition 2 (walls and roof to match) attached to planning permission 20230654 (demolition of existing outbuilding at rear; construction of single storey extension at side and rear of house (Class C3) (amended plans received 28/06/2023))
7 Hill Rise
Construction of single storey extension at side and rear; two storey extension at rear; alterations to house (Class C3)
7 Hill Rise
Rear Garden T1 prunus - overhangin from neighbour - prune back overhang T2 acer - fell T3 sycamore - fell T4 conifer - fell T5 silver birch - fell Front garden T6 conifer - fell T6 s
Thurcaston Lodge 42A Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JA
Fell 1 x self set horse chestnut
56 Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JA
1 conifer - to be reduced by 1/3
56 Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JA
Variation of Section 106 agreement for P/12/1741/2 (to remove the requirement to provide a bridge)
Land at Brookfield Farm Hallfields Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NF
Retrospective application for change of use of site from vacant land to car sales (Sui Generis); Installation of portable building
120 Ross Walk
Change of use of ground floor from retail (Class E) to hot food takeaway (Sui Generis); new shopfront; construction of single storey extension at front; conversion of loft to storage; installation of extraction flue at rear of building; alterations
105 Melton Road
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
93 Kerrysdale Avenue
Birch Tree nearest to the road 2m off in height, and a slight thin of the tree. Birch Tree nearest to house. Two overgrown branches 3m in height need reducing back to fit in with crown of tree Maple tree at front of property nearest road. Needs a reduction of 4m in height Birch tree at the back of property, needs a thin and a reduction of 2m
39 Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JB
Fell 1 no. eucalyptus instead of reducing it.
Bridle House 13A Nursery Lane Quorn Leicestershire LE12 8BH
T7 Loquot - fell T14 cedar - reduce by 5m height T21 juniper - fell T23 plum - fell T33 sycamore - remove 4 lowest branches
41 Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JB
Outline application for residential development of 2 dwellings (all matters reserved)
Land Adjacent to 32 Field View,Thurmaston,Leicestershire,LE4 8NX
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
17 June Avenue
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
30 The Roundway
Installation of shopfront at front of restaurant (Class E)
90A Melton Road
Installation of two internally illuminated fascia signs at front & side of building (Class E)
90A Melton Road
T1 Twisted willow - fell. T2 Chestnut - reduce branches by 1.2 m max on the garden side T3 Oak - reduce branches by 1 m max on the garden side, . T4 Cotoneaster - reduce by 1 metre T5 and T6 Silver Birch - reduce tips of crown by 1 m Max
89 Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NW
T1 Dying Crab Apple to Fell to near ground. T2 Plum, remove 1 low limb. T3 Oak Tree reduce the upper tips by 1.2 to 1.5 metres. T4 Sycamore - Gently Raise the crown to 2.4 metres. Tree works required to maintain trees around the property.
97 Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NW
Erection of 2no. two-bedroom bungalows with associated works to include landscaping and parking
Caravan 180 Leicester Road Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JN
Extension to existing industrial unit (Class B2)
Barkby Road, Aristocrate Distributors Ltd
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
35 Kerrysdale Avenue
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
38 Yorkshire Road
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
200 Harrison Road
Dismantling and re-erection of existing elevation using salvaged materials (following demolition of outbuildings and chimney) and erection of two storey extension to front and two storey extension to side of dwelling.
47A Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NU
T1 Magnolia - Pollard at approx. 3.5m.
33 Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NU
Silver birch- crown reduction to previous points
33 Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NU
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
43 Scarborough Road
Change of use of part ground floor from warehouse (Class B8) to retail shop (Class E); installation of shopfront and alterations to front elevation; & alterations to side elevation; ancillary parking, cycle and bin storage
93 Parker Drive
Construction of six industrial warehouse units (Class B2)
Barkby Road, The Aristocrate Distributors
Construction of 311 residential apartments (196 x 1 bed and 115 x 2 bed) (Class C3) and 43 dwellings (14 x 2 bed, 24 x 3 bed and 5 x 4 bed) (Class C3) with associated vehicular access, public open space, landscaping and parking.(amended plans)
100A Ross Walk, BUSM Business Park
Relaying and recontouring of existing tarmac footpath and car park to improve drainage. Resurfacing of car park and addition of soakaway/drainage works (Lawful Development Certificate for Proposed Development)
St Marys Church,Church Street,Rothley,Leicestershire,LE7 7PD
Installation of ventilation flue at rear of proposed restaurant (Class E)
26 Melton Road
Installation of external wall insulation to house (Class C3)
46 Barkby Road
Change of use from shop (Class E) to Launderette (Sui Generis); installation of ventilation flue at side, alterations
36 Barkby Road
Change of use from office (Class E) to taxi dispatch office (Sui Generis)
131 Barkby Road, Offices A